Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tombstone Tuesday C R Elliott

C R Elliott
Oct 16, 1861
June 22, 1915
Gone But Not Forgotten

This is the tombstone that stands next to my great x 3 grandmother Sarah Owen Talbott at Pleasant Grove Christian Church near Halifax, VA. As you can see, the stone appears to have been broken off its original base and repaired. I believe CR Elliott to have been the son-in-law of Sarah and John B Talbott, husband of their daughter Bettie. I also have clues that he may be related to me down another line as well.

What I found interesting was where his grave is located. He and his mother-in-law Sarah Talbott are side by side in a plot with no other apparent relatives. The plot is #28 and according to the cemetery directory is owned by a George Newcomb. In addition to Sarah Talbott and CR Elliott, there is a Solomon Clay and four graves marked by field stones. I know of no connection between my ancestors and these other two men. At least, not yet....

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